Case Results

Troutman Law Office

Summaries From a Few Cases We Have Won

To get an idea of the kind of results you can get when you hire Troutman Law Office to represent you in your personal injury claim, please read the descriptions of a few case results below. Locally owned since 1986, our firm is licensed to practice law in Kentucky and Ohio. When you hire Attorney Matt Troutman, you speak with him and only him. Call us today in Louisville, KY or Lexington, KY to discuss your case. Be sure to ask for your free consultation!

Over $1 Million Awarded to Elderly Woman Struck by Vehicle

When an elderly pedestrian was struck by a vehicle backing out of a parking spot at a Louisville, KY grocery story, she suffered a brain injury, fractures, and other injuries. The accident changed the client's life from an independent, involved grandmother to a nursing home resident.

The most fortunate aspect of this claim is that the vehicle that struck the client was a company vehicle that had a $1 million policy limit. We were able to collect the $1 million limit, the personal liability limit of the individual operating the vehicle, and the underinsured motorist limit available to the client through her own automobile.

Family Awarded Multi-Million-Dollar Settlement Over Gas Tank Explosion

A rear-ender by a drunk driver on the Gene Snyder Expressway in Louisville, KY caused a gas tank explosion resulting in a fire and disfiguring burns to two children sitting in the back seat and minor injuries to the parents in the front seat.

In addition to collecting policy limits from the drunk driver, a multi-million dollar settlement was reached with the car manufacturer due to the defective design of the vehicle that allowed a simple rear-end accident to cause a gas tank fire because the spare tire was placed next to the tank.

$100,000 Collected by Client Due to Injuries Suffered in Car Accident

The client suffered multiple foot fractures to the same foot due to a car accident. The $100,000.00 policy limit of the at-fault driver was collected, but no underinsured motorist coverage claim could be made because the client declined this coverage.

$100,000 Settlement Award to Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle

The client was struck by a woman who drove through a stop sign while grieving for her ill husband. The client had a previous history of neck and back injuries, which caused the insurance company to refuse to offer a reasonable amount to settle the claim.

A lawsuit had to be filed and the claim was settled for the $100,000 policy limit. The client did not have underinsured motorist coverage and, therefore, that claim could not be made.

Worker Awarded $60,000 After Suffering Injuries Due to Defective Product

A man working at The Home Depot was demonstrating the use of a chair to a customer when it collapsed, causing him to injure his shoulder and requiring arthroscopic surgery. A claim was made against the manufacturer of the chair, but they refused to accept responsibility for the chair. A federal lawsuit was filed and a settlement was reached for $60,000.

The key to the success of this case was a picture of the defective chair taken by the client before The Home Depot disposed of it.

Injury Settlement of $47,500 Awarded to Client

A woman suffered neck and back soft tissue injuries and the insurance company made a low offer of$15,000. A lawsuit was filed and a settlement was reached for $47,500. The key to this settlement was the performance of the client during her deposition. She was very sympathetic and believable as she explained the daily pain and treatment that she endures.

Over $200,000 Awarded to Motorcyclist After Dog Attack

A motorcyclist was injured when an attacking dog knocked him off his motorcycle while traveling the backroads in Jessamine County, KY. Apparently, the dog was annoyed by the noise created by the motorcycle. The insurance company for the dog owner disputed the claim and litigation was necessary. The claim was settled for more than $200,000.

The key to the case was an eyewitness who lived nearby and saw the accident a few seconds after it happened, observing the dog's attempts to attack other motorcyclists.

$250,000 Awarded to Client After Suffering Injuries Driving Into Parked Train

A client drove his car into a train parked across the road at night in Jeffersonville, IN. The client suffered a fractured shoulder and leg, among other injuries. The case was settled for $250,000 during mediation.

Through the mediation process, the train company showed a reenactment video for the purpose of proving that the client should have seen the train and stopped, but the video did more to prove his claim and helped the case settle.

$275,000 Settlement Reached Without Litigation for Car Accident Injuries

A rear-ender car accident caused a client to have back surgery. The case was settled without the need of litigation for $275,000.

Multiple Injuries Suffered in Car Accident Results in $175,000 Awarded to Client

A client received multiple leg fractures in a multiple-impact car accident with disputes regarding liability. The claim was settled for $175,000 from two different insurance companies, but recovery was limited to the limited amount of insurance available.

Client Awarded $147,000 After Accident Led to Minor Leg Surgery

Rear-ended by a Corvette, a client had to have minor leg surgery. A settlement was reached for $147,000 without the need of litigation. An interesting side note to this settlement is that the client cashed out his settlement check and the cash was promptly stolen and never recovered.

Total of $100,000 Recovered for Client Involved in Car Accident

An elderly lady struck a client’s vehicle. The lady died from her injuries in the accident. The client had low-back herniations and a labrum tear. Liability limits of $50,000 were recovered. In addition, another $50,000 in underinsured motorist benefits were recovered.

A man in a suit and tie is standing on the steps of a building

Car Accident Leads to $100,000 Recovered for Client

A serious car accident resulted in a client's multiple fractures to one foot. $100,000.00 policy limits were recovered from the at-fault party. An underinsured motorist claim could not be made because the client did not purchase this coverage.

A man wearing glasses and a red and white striped tie smiles for the camera
A man in a suit and tie is standing on the steps of a building

Car Accident Leads to $100,000 Recovered for Client

A serious car accident resulted in a client's multiple fractures to one foot. $100,000.00 policy limits were recovered from the at-fault party. An underinsured motorist claim could not be made because the client did not purchase this coverage.

A man wearing glasses and a red and white striped tie smiles for the camera
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